No Competition...Just Motivation
Looking back I honestly can’t think of a time where I was jealous of someone. I know some of you are like “girl stop lying, you done been jealous before” but seriously I can’t! I never envied a person for what they had. If anything I was motivated.
I’ve learned that everyone has their own journey and it may seem as though their journey is moving a little faster than yours but God has your own story planned out for you. Everything will happen in “due time but until then just grind”.
I don’t see other creatives in my industry as competition. I am always looking to see what I can learn from them. Recently I collaborated on an event with Jessica of Justini Cocktails. We both have had several successful events on our own so I decided to reach out to her and see if she wanted to collaborate on “The Glitz Mix”. It was the perfect partnership, I was introduced to her audience and she was introduced to mine. We put our brains together and produced the most successful event I have had thus far. Her work ethic and go-getter attitude constantly motivates me.
I am motivated by Kandice Guice, my linesister and friend. I started my blog 2 years ago and in all honesty I had been slacking. Seeing Kandice launch her blog and reaching major success after a few months inspired me to get my life together. I said you know what..I’m going to be consistent, plus her checkins via text every once in a while also helps lol
Sidenote: Now I am competitive when it comes to UNO and Taboo, like nobody can see me. For real for real but any who…
There are many girl bosses I have benefited from just by getting to know them. You could miss out on a major opportunity trying to compete. Empowered women empower women…don’t be basic.
Britt Smith Photography
Britt Smith Photography
Britt Smith Photography
Shirt : Kandice Guice Collection
Leather Jacket: Forever 21(similar)
Jeans : Fashion Nova
Check out some other fab bosses rocking the Kandice Guice Collection!