Manifesting is Real...But!

At the beginning of the year I gathered with my friends over some wine and tacos and we began creating vision boards. We discussed all the goals and dreams that we wanted to fulfill. Now I’ve created vision boards before and forgot all about them but this time seemed different. I don’t know if it’s because in the past I created them at various events just for fun whereas this time it was with friends and we got to genuinely discuss them and talk about plans of action.


One of my main goals was to propel my blog to the next level. I wanted to become more recognizable to various brands. In order to do this I knew I had to rearrange my priority list as well as put in the work. I have a lot on my plate. I have my hands dipped in so many things from a 9-5 career, being involved with my sorority , event planning and I am the ultimate yes woman.

If I am invited somewhere or or asked to do something I am like sure. Chile I will rearrange my schedule just to be sure it’s squeezed in. But once I decided to rearrange my priority list, that all changed. Once I moved myself and my brand to the very top. I started to see the things that I manifested and included on my vision board.


I went from no invites to anything last year during Essence to being booked by a brand called All Things Hair and invited to so many events that I had to skip some. Manifesting is real but are you putting in the work? Are you making a plan based off that Vision Board? Let’s make shit happen. Let’s make these dreams a reality. I am walking in my purpose stylishly of course and I want you to walk in your purpose as well.


Top | rue21

Jeans | FashionNova

Shoes | Citi Trends

Purse | it’s fashion

Photo Credit: T.O.D Photography